How to lose weight fast and naturally

Published on by Kavita Masthoff

If you have been actively fighting the battle of the bulge, then you would definitely like to know how to lose weight fast and with the help of natural means. The most effective way of losing weight fast is by exerting self-control and following a strict diet.

Eat healthy food

Natural weight reduction comes from taking care about your diet, or more specifically, knowing which food is healthy and which is not. Substitute a calorie-rich diet with food that is fat free, eat smaller portions instead of overindulging and restrain yourself from eating all those goodies that taste good, but end up going directly to your hips. There is no doubt that pizzas, crisps and burgers taste great, but they keep adding to your weight. Concentrate on eating healthily by increasing your fresh fruit and vegetable intake, reducing saturated fats, and avoiding sugary food. Within no time, you will lose weight fast and naturally.

Choosing your drinks sensibly

Instead of drinking soft drinks, coffee and alcohol, stick to drinking plain water. You can even drink fresh fruit juices without sugar and green tea to help you to lose those extra kilos that you are carrying around. Water is one of the most under-rated drinks, but it is the manna of life. Drink as much water as you can to eliminate toxins from your body and facilitate weight loss. Some people drink a glass of water 15 minutes before eating in order to limit their food intake. Try this approach to control your portions during mealtimes and lose weight fast and naturally.

Increase fibre intake

Eat fibre-rich food, as it can make you lose as much as ten pounds in a year. Food with high fibre content is invariably low in calories and makes a person feel full, which, in turn, will make a person eat less throughout the day. Do you remember your mother coaxing you to eat a bowl of oatmeal porridge in the morning when you were young? That is a good start to your weight reduction programme.

Eat more lean protein

Eat as much lean protein as you can, as it will make you feel full fast and help to hasten the fat burning process. Sources of lean protein include egg white, fish, cottage cheese, low-fat yoghurt, lentils, skimmed milk, skinless chicken, kidney beans, shrimps, soy products, turkey and lean beef.

thin waist woman in big shorts over white

Published on Dieting

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