What are the ways in which you can eat more healthily?

Published on by Kavita Masthoff

The most popular diets that people opt for are actually quite unhealthy. A good diet plan should allow you to eat healthily, while ensuring to maintain an optimum weight. In today's fast-paced life, healthy diets are a must, if you want to avert diseases and health-related issues. This article discuss the ways to eat more healthily.

Food groups

Buy food from each of the food groups. However, it is important to note that within each food group, there are some food items that are healthier than others. For instance, among the carbohydrate group, brown rice, oats and whole wheat bread are healthier while in the protein group, skinless chicken, fish and low-fat dairy products are better. Furthermore, the way in which you prepare the food makes a difference on how healthy your meal will be. Try to consume one item from each food group for a meal. A healthy diet meal plan should comprise of the following food items.

Components of a healthy diet plan

Whole grains

These are sources of iron, complex carbohydrates and vitamin B. Eat brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, barley and whole grain cereals to get important nutrients as well as fibre to keep your digestive system working optimally. These food items will also improve heart health.

Fresh fruits

It's better to eat whole fruits rather than fresh juices to gain maximum nutrients and health benefits. The fruits contain fibre that is good for digestion. Eat fruits such as apples, strawberries, grapes, peaches and kiwis as they will improve your skin health and prevent early signs of aging.


Greens such as mustard greens and spinach are better eaten cooked than raw. They are wonderful sources of many of the vital vitamins, such as A, B, C, E and K, as well as minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, fibre, and proteins. Try eating greens in salads and soups, or as a side dish.


Eat more vegetable protein than animal protein. Beans, lentils, tofu and soy are great sources of vegetable protein, and do not contain unhealthy saturated fat. If you prefer animal protein, opt for fish such as tuna and salmon, which contain vitamin B and vitamin D. Other healthy sources of animal protein include skinless chicken, lean beef and turkey.

Creating a good diet plan

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables along with healthy carbohydrates and whole grains. Include healthy fats to nourish your heart, skin, brain, hair and nails. Limit your intake of sugar and salt. Plan your meals for the week to benefit from a healthy and good diet plan. Consult a nutritionist if you are unsure of how to create a good diet plan.

Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and other foodstuffs.

Published on Dieting

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