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How to make a newborn puppy drink milk

How to make a newborn puppy drink milk

Puppies are born with their eyes closed, and are completely dependent on their mothers for nourishment during the first initial weeks. However, if for some reason the newborn puppy's mother is unable to take care of it, the onus of looking after the puppy...

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How does magnetic jewellery relieve pain?

How does magnetic jewellery relieve pain?

Practitioners of alternative medicine claim that by wearing magnetic jewellery, people can get relief from pain in joints, back, feet and hands. While conventional medicine practitioners do not support this type of pain therapy, there is reason to believe...

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The benefits of a clay mask

The benefits of a clay mask

For centuries, clay has been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes in many cultures. Nowadays, clay face masks are touted as one of the most effective treatments for skin problems, especially acne and pimples. However, clay masks also help to remove...

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How to lose thigh fat (for women)

How to lose thigh fat (for women)

Women with thigh fat should not just concentrate on toning exercise. The secret to losing leg fat and getting slim and curvaceous thighs actually is a combination of healthy diet, strength training and cardiovascular exercises. Usually, thigh fat occurs...

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Vitamins that are good for the hair

Vitamins that are good for the hair

Everyone wants thick, lustrous hair. However, today's fast-pace life and unhealthy diet ensure that people do not get the vitamins that are good for the hair. Hair loss, dull-looking hair and receding hairline are a common problem among people. Hair health...

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What are the best foods for weight loss

What are the best foods for weight loss

Most people carrying extra weight start quick weight loss diets. Invariably, these diets prove to be ineffective, people cannot stick to it since they end up craving for food that they are denying themselves. A weight loss diet should allow you to eat...

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How to deal with bloating after eating

How to deal with bloating after eating

There are many people who complain of bloating after eating. This could be due to a health issue, or it could just be due to poor eating habits. There are simple and easy ways to deal with bloating after eating. This article is a guide to dealing with...

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